Vigneti Zabù takes its name from Emir Al-Zabut, who founded the city of Sambuca (Central Sicily) in 830 AD, when the island was under Arab control. Sambuca sits on an uncontaminated area, with blue skies, a lake with crystal clear waters and no factories. Lake Arancio, where the vineyards are located, provide a perfect microclimate with temperature ranges between day and night even during summer. This ensures the highest quality of grapes in an otherwise challenging environment made of hot summers and lack of rain. This area has been cultivated since ancient times by farmers with thousand- year-old wine tradition. This, coupled with unique grape varieties and old vines, contributes to the special style of the winery. 


Sambuca di Sicilia is located high on a hill in the Belice Valley and is surrounded in lush vegetation. The town was named for its founder – Al Zabuth the Charming, an Arab Emir. Al Zabuth concentrated his efforts on local agriculture, which had been previously lagging.

Still today, the surrounding area is covered with archaeological artifacts that point to the generations of farmers who have lived here over the centuries. The agricultural traditions of the area fit well with the philosophy of the owners: “The art of winemaking can create nothing more than what the grapes contain in nature.”


The vines that grow in the Sambuca region are exposed to the hot Sicilian summer days but cool nights help the grapes develop wonderful, layered flavors. The heat is also tempered by the generous water supply of Lake Arancio which helps create an ideal microclimate.

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