Atzei is located in Mogoro, Sardinia, the beautiful island off the west coast of Italy. This is home to a millennial wine tradition, unique local varieties and a human capital of reserved and humble people. “ Sardinia, for me, is a place that has stolen my heart, producing wine here is what I have been dreaming  of for a long time”, owner Valentino Sciotti explained. He is not a native of the area, but his passion for Sardinia’s wine potential led him back to the island. Saragat depicts traditional Sardinian clothes, where different profession and different villages are marked with different colour patterns. They are still relatively popular today. 

The terroir
In the Oristano area, the climate is predominantly Meditarranean with hot, dry summers and cold, rainy winters. The surrounding mountains create a perfect microcilmate even in the hottest months of the year. In the area, thanks to the presece of Monte Arci, a now extinct volcano, the predominantly calcareous soils benefit from the presence of obsidian stones rich in phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

Our Brands
AltemasiAtzeiBottega VinaiCaldora
AltemasiAtzeiBottega VinaiCaldora
AltemasiAtzeiBottega VinaiCaldora